Myanmar busses
You always hear stories when people travel around southeast Asia about the buses, the crookedness of them, the chickens on them, children on your lap, children and adults puking out the sides of them. The buses being piled sky high with people and rice, and luggage, and more chickens. It's all true. Oh yeah and they break down.. a lot. well I've been on my fair share but the buses in Myanmar are special. First of all in the city they are almost all leftovers from the British colonization effort which ended in the 1940's- as is clearly evident by the age of the buses. And no Myanmar bus is full until very inch of space within is occupied and a row of people are hanging of the back. I often had to maneuver carefully to avoid being hit by the closing door. Sometimes they didn't bother to close the door at all as someone would surely loose a limb in the process. But the most amazing thing I saw was one bus at a long distance bus station. It had the usual load of stuff on the roof piled almost as high as the bus itself is tall, then the back of the bus piled floor to ceiling with rice and tea sacks, then all of the seats at the front filled and all of the space under the seats filled so that all of the people sat with their knees up by their chins and feet even with their butts. Oh and I didn't mention their is no aisle in most southeast Asian buses, there are seats that fold up to the side when people get on and off, but while riding the entire aisle way is filled with an additional row of seats. No leg room here. And if you are an average sized Swedish guy you are in big trouble because most buses are made to fit Asians and I am tall around these parts. Yeah I miss my truck!