Always a foreigner
One of my friends from home asked me today what has been the hardest thing to get used to over here... Well there are definately some differences. I still have to stop myself after I brush my teeth to remember not to swallow any of the water (ok for brushing, not so much for drinking). Always having toilet paper and soap with me for the bathrooms where it is rarely provided. I will not get into what the bathrooms are like just yet. They do drive on the right hand side of the road... mostly, unless they are passing then they could be on any part of the road they like. Really the hardest thing to get used to is the fact that I could live here 40 years and I would still be a foreigner. I would still be asked everyday if I want to buy postcards- at least in this town which is a tourist area, and I would still be charged at least three times the price for everything unless I already know how much it will cost and am willing to do the customary haggling over prices.